Best Way To Avoid The Xbox 360 Red Ring Of Death
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The stats are definitely not on the gamers side. Experts estimate that 1 out of 3 Xbox 360 consoles will eventually fall victim to the red ring of death. The stats can really be scary, especially for those who are thinking about purchasing the console for the first time. The three red lights have definitely struck fear into gamers hearts.
So what are you supposed to do when your Xbox 360 malfunctions? Well, you have several different options. The first option is a very common one, let Microsoft fix it the problem. That is usually the first thing that comes to a gamers mind when the red ring occurs. Microsoft will fix it, but only if your warranty has not expired.
If your warranty has expired already, they will still fix it, but now it will cost you money. The prices are subject to change, but it will usually set you back over 100 bucks. That is a lot of money out of your pocket to fix a mistake that they made. Even if you still have your warranty, you will still have to wait anywhere from 4-6 weeks to get your console back.
Another thing you could do, is fix it yourself. Most people might think it is difficult to repair the console yourself, but with the right Xbox 360 repair guide, it is very simple. If you want to get back to playing your video games in a few hours, then this would be the best option. You have to be very careful though, if you repair your Xbob 360 with the wrong guide you could damage it beyond repair.
You really have to be careful with which repair methods you try. One of the Xbox 360 repair methods you should avoid by all means is the "towel trick method". This repair method is very popular on You Tube, and many other video hosting sites. It tells you to wrap towels around your console to get rid of the 3 flashing red lights. Doing this, will only cause more damage to your Xbox 360 console.
There are some things you could do, which will help to avoid the red ring of death. It is recommended to get an external cooling fan to prevent over-heating. You have to keep the console cool, and buying an external cooling fan will get the job done. Although this might not completely eliminate the risk of the 3 red lights, it will certainly help the console run smoother.
Keep the console dust-free. You have to store you Xbox 360 in an open area. Why in an open area? To keep the sytem from over-heating. In most cases, the red ring of death is caused do to over-heating. You should clean your Xbox 360 of any dust at least 2-3 times a week.